During checkout, we’ll provide an estimated delivery date based on the delivery service and delivery address. We offer the following delivery options:
Standard Delivery (2–6 business days)
Additional Information
Every time, the status of your order is updated (i.e., received, processing, packed, sent), customers will be notified through email to stay up-to-date about their delivery.
We ship worldwide
All our international shipments are fully insured, sent with a tracking number, and will be shipped 3-4 days after payment.
Deliveries overseas may be charged in coasts of costumes (import tax) or Vat (value added tax) according to the states specific law. These charges are hard to predict and are out of our control. Any charge of this kind will be paid by the purchaser.
We will not be held responsible for delays or lost items due to customs or postal services, moreover if needed, you are responsible for picking up your item at your nearest post office.
Once an order has been registered we can’t change the products or quantities. If you still want to change the order, we suggest that you contact us to cancel the order on support@amikwears.com. If the order hasn’t been processed yet we might be able to cancel it and you can register a new, correct order.
Further queries can be sent to support@amikwears.com